Full Episode: December 17th, 2023

  1. Window Installation: Scot visits a project in Rome where New York Sash installed new windows for homeowners who took advantage of their big Buy 2 Get 1 Free window sale.
  2. Expert’s Corner: In the Expert’s Corner, Jonas Kelly from Jay-K talks about the differences between interior and exterior paint.
  3. Gym Tour: We visit the Mill Family Fitness Center and take a tour of their new large facility with owner Matt Vasco.
  4. Home Heating Upgrades: Ryan from Fred F. Collis & Sons talks about heat pumps and how energy audits are an important first step in making your home heat pump ready.
  5. Flooring Transitions: We visit the Meelan One Shop and talk with Mark about custom flooring transitions.
  6. Roof Replacement: We are on location with the Roofing King at a roof replacement project in North Utica.
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