Full Episode: June 28th, 2020

  1. Window Styles: Scot Hayes of New York Sash talks about the different window styles available in the showroom.
  2. Gift Program: On location at the Noyes Street Rehab home, the Rescue Mission of Utica speaks about their Small Home Gift Program.
  3. Beauty Counter: Jill Hayes talks about a safer, cleaner beauty product line.
  4. Insulated Siding: New York Sash installs insulated siding in New York Mills.

PLUS: Save The Date for their Pink Days & VIP Pink Night 2020! It is the Greenscapes Garden Center yearly FUNraiser to raise money for breast cancer awareness & research. Mark your calendar for a weekend full of prizes, music, food and so much more! Friday 9/25/20 – Sunday 9/27/20. For more information visit https://greenscapesgardencenter.com/


Category: Full Episodes, Watch
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