Full Episode: March 6th, 2022

  1. Showroom Window: We take a look at the bay window that was installed at the New York Sash Showroom. Plus, Scot talks about woodgrain colors and options that are available.
  2. HVAC Upgrades: Fred F. Collis & Sons are on a customer project where they made upgrades to a homeowners HVAC system to improve air quality- all while saving money.
  3. Express:  Learn about all that Express Employment has to offer to both job seekers and employers.
  4. Capital Improvement Project:  We meet with Eric Schuler from the Mohawk Valley Water Authority and learn about a capital improvement project that will be an asset to our water supply.
  5. Flooring Transitions: We meet with Mark in the Meelan Carpet One Shop to learn more about flooring transitions.
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