Full Episode: May 10th, 2020

  1. Choosing a Contractor: Scot Hayes of New York Sash talks about the importance of the BBB.
  2. Moving Equipment: Check out the trailer yard at Clinton Tractor and Implement Co. for all your equipment needs.
  3. Shop Tour: Max Cohen of Meyda Lighting takes us on a shop tour of their locally offered and nationwide products.
  4. Safer Beauty: Jill Hayes talks about a safer beauty product line, Beauty Counter.
  5. Insulated Siding: New York Sash takes on a siding job in New York Mills.
  6. Spring Gardening: Get your garden and plants ready with Mollie Wadsworth from Greenscapes Garden Center.

Please check with directly with each company for hours and restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic!


Category: Full Episodes, Watch
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