Full Episode: May 7th, 2023
May 6, 2023 12:17 pm
- Showroom Tour: CNY Custom Concrete & Masonry is having an anniversary sale on Saturday, May 20th. Let’s take a tour of their showroom and see all of the backyard products they have to offer.
- New Tax Credits: Scot, from New York Sash talks about the new 2023 tax credits that are available for homeowners who are interested in replacing their windows and doors.
- Roof Replacement: We are on location with the Roofing King at a roof replacement in South Utica, where they used unique tools for increased efficiency and safety.
- Chamber Updates: We talk with Kari Puleo from the Utica Chamber of Commerce and learn more about their recent annual meeting and their strategic plan for the next five years.
- Insulation Project: Standard is on location at a project in Whitesboro where they insulated the entire home to make it more comfortable and energy efficient.
Category: Full Episodes, Watch