Full Episode: November 8th, 2020
November 9, 2020 11:04 am
This week is Veterans Day. We are so grateful to all those that have fought for our country and freedoms. Shower for a Soldier nominees are in – thank you all for sharing stories of deserving Veterans! Stay tuned in future weeks to learn more about this year’s recipient!
- Window Styles: Scot Hayes of New York Sash talks about the different types of window styles in the showroom.
- Vet Drive: Learn more about the Express Employment Supply Drive for Veteran’s Day.
- Geraty Spas: Treat yourself to Sundance Spa as the weather gets colder, Geraty Pools and Spas has many models & options!
- Professional Installation: Joe Meelan of Meelan Carpet One talks about the importance of professional flooring installation.
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