Full Episode: October 24th, 2021

  1. Bath Remodel & Customer Testimonial: Scot visits a customer project where New York Sash installed a new bathroom for a customer in Utica. Plus hear from the homeowner about their bathroom transformation.
  2. Bathroom Remodel: Before & After: We take a before and after look at a bathroom remodel in Sauquoit where New York Sash installed a new bathroom and a new bathroom window with obscure glass for privacy.
  3. Shower for a SoldierMeet last year’s Shower for a Soldier recipients and see the new bathroom installed by New York Sash.
  4. 1970’s Bath Remodel Scot visits a customer project in Marcy where New York Sash gutted and remodeled their bathroom and completed a tub to shower conversion.
Category: Full Episodes, Watch
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