Utica City Church provides member of the community with important and necessary services and support. We talk with Pastor Chris & Nancy Tringali from Utica City Church and learn more about all they do for those in need in our community, along with how the community can help them reach their fundraising goal to replace […]
The 2022 New York Sash Teddy Bear Toss is December 3rd! Win tickets to this annual holiday event with Utica Pioneers by entering at www.uticateddybeartoss.com. And don’t forget to bring teddy bears for area children in need!
The Leatherstocking Council BSA is covering all registration costs for first-year Cub Scouts! With the Scout Challenge 365 program, children can explore Cub Scouts for a year with none of the regular registration costs. Learn more about signing up at www.leatherstockingcouncil.org
We talk with Matt Vasco owner of The Mill Family Fitness Center and take a tour of the beautiful facility and learn more about all the fitness center has to offer.
The American Heart Association is hosting a CycleNation fundraising event on October 27th to help raise awareness of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Learn more about this event from Executive Director Christine Kisiel and CycleNation survivor speaker Audrey Ventura.
The Utica Blue Sox are back for another fun-filled season at Murnane Field! We visit with members of the Utica Blue Sox and learn more about what is to come this season.
The 2022 Choo Choo Open is a highlight event of the year for the Greater Utica Chamber ! The Choo Choo features a train ride to the Adirondacks, golf and networking and is presnted by Passalacqua & Associates. More info: www.greateruticachamber.org/